Who Invented The Swimming Pool? | History Of Swimming Pools

Have you ever wondered how the modern swimming pool came to be?

Find out in this post


Swimming pools have been around for centuries, but they didn’t always look how they do now. And for a while, they weren’t heated. But that’s the beauty of it all— the fact that swimming pools have been improved across generations. Across eras!

Who knew pools had such an impact throughout history? With the full range of pool options available today, it’s no doubt that they’ve stood the test of time. Some of them, quite literally.

In this post, we uncover the origins of the swimming pool. So keep reading to learn all about the history of swimming pools.


Who Invented The Swimming Pool?

History Of Swimming Pools


The first pool

“Great Bath” in Pakistan- 3rd Millenium BC  (between 3000- 2000 BC)

Swimming pools date so far back in history, that it’s tough to attribute their creation to one person.

With that said, it’s the “Great Bath” that holds the title of the “first man-made pool”. The pool, located at the site of Mohenjo-Daro (modern-day south Pakistan), measures 12 x 7 meters wide, with a maximum depth of 2.4 meters. Rows of bricks line the floor and walls and were once held together with gypsum plaster, sealed between two layers of tar. The design of the tank compares to what we might see in modern concrete/gunite pools, and even features in-water ledges and stairways.

Rows of bricks line the floor and walls, once held together with gypsum plaster and sealed between two layers of tar. The design of the tank compares to what we might see in modern concrete/gunite pools, and even features in-water ledges and stairways.

However, many scholars agree that the pool was used for religious or ceremonial purposes, and not recreation.

Pools with purpose

Greece – 800 BC – 600 BC

The ancient Greeks played a big part in the development of how pools were used.

During this time period, the Greek empire saw a boost in their economy and overall standard of living, so, they began building pools. These pools were initially designed for bathing purposes. But soon enough, the Greeks started thinking of new ways to use “these outdoor baths.”

In response, they built outdoor recreation centers, known as “Palaestras”. The Palestras featured an open court and swimming pool; a place for people to come socialize, bath, or exercise. Some may consider them a predecessor to modern public parks.

This is when pools started making a shift towards recreational use. But what’s truly impressive is the major development that took place just a few centuries later — one that completely changed the standard of swimming pools forever.


Pools with comfort

Rome – 100 BC

The Romans were also pretty fond of swimming pools and contributed a few notable improvements of their own. Most Roman pools were lavish in design, similar to the architecture at the time. Meanwhile, bathing pools incorporated some of the first water circulation systems. The systems featured a series of aqueducts linked to a natural source that supplied a steady stream of fresh water.

Aside from bathing and recreation, some pools served an aesthetic purpose and were filled with live fish. These pools implemented more elaborate designs and decor and were favored by both the Greeks and Romans.

But the coolest addition to swimming pools from the ancient Romans was the heated pool. The pool was built by Gaius Maecena, an advisor to Gaius Octavius (Caesar Augustus), and was heated by a manual furnace system in the basement of the building.


The quiet years

100 BC – 1800 AD

Not much happened in the world of swimming pools during this time.  But after the fall of the Roman empire, a whole lot started happening everywhere else. New lands were settled, new countries were formed, wars were fought, history was made. However swimming pools, although still present during these times, just weren’t as prominent as they once were.

That is, until around the 19th century.


The birth of the modern swimming pool

Great Britain | London – 19th Century (1800-1900s AD)

With numerous developments in water treatment and management, Great Britain helped create the blueprint for the modern swimming pool. This is when recreational pools became much cleaner, and more sanitary.

Around the same time, the National Swimming Association of England promoted the culture of competitive swimming. This influenced the construction of several indoor pools across England. In response to the growing trend of competitive swimming, the Amateur Swimming Association was formed — this organization paved the way for swimming’s recognition as a sport.

In fact, the association’s impact was so great, that it eventually led to swimming being included in the Olympic games for the first time ever in 1896 (Athens, Greece). Ironically enough, none of the swimming events were held in pools, but instead, the open sea since the funds needed weren’t raised in time.

From here, swimming became increasingly popular as an internationally recognized sport, and more indoor pools began springing up across the globe. But it was during the 20th century when pools earned their place in the backyards of countless homes.


The swimming pool, as we know it

20th Century

A lot happened for recreational swimming pools during this time, so here’s a list to summarize it all:

  • 1907: Roebling Construction Company builds the first above ground pool at the Philadelphia Racquet Club
  • 1907: First mobile swimming pool built in The Adriatic, an intercontinental ocean liner
  • 1915: A.J Eilers commissions Deep Eddy Pool/Bathing Beach, a public pool along the Colorado River
  • 1920: William Randolph Hearst builds the Neptune, a 350,000-gallon luxury pool (filled with water from the Santa Lucia mountains) in the spirit of Roman architecture
  • 1950s: Hotels implement swimmings pools to attract more guests and add appeal to properties
  • 1960s – Present: The residential swimming pool becomes a part of pop culture, springing up in homes across America

As you can see, the recreational swimming pool really took off during the 1900s. And as the years passed, numerous developments were made, including build improvements like vinyl and fiberglass material, as well as the addition of pool equipment like heaters and pumps.


Wrapping it up

Are you surprised? Most of us wouldn’t think that pools have been a part of society for so long. Yet as the records show, they played a major role in several cultures throughout history. From early ceremonial and ritual use to the more common present day uses, like recreation and competition.

That said, pools have definitely come a long way. And if you own a swimming pool, then you know just how fancy modern pools can get. So much so, that sometimes, keeping them maintained becomes a real challenge. But it doesn’t have to be.

If you want to make pool maintenance easier and lower your pool chemical and energy costs, read these posts:

How To Make The Perfect Pool Care Schedule

9 Energy Saving Tips For Swimming Pools

How To Choose The Best Pool Heater