The variable speed pool pump is a fairly new addition to the pool world. It was originally introduced in the early 2000s and birthed a trend almost instantly. A trend that persuaded thousands of pool owners to ditch their old pumps in exchange for a superior solution.
But what makes variable speed pumps so great, and why should you use one?
In this post, we answer those questions and more.
What is a variable speed pool pump?
As the name implies, a variable speed pool pump offers the same core functionality as a traditional pool pump, but with multiple speed settings. Traditional pool pumps operate at a fixed speed at all times, whereas variable speed pumps offer some flexibility. But we’ll get into why that’s so advantageous soon. For now, let’s talk about how variable speed pool pumps work.
[Pool pump problems? Check out this post on how to troubleshoot your pool pump]
How does a variable speed pool pump work?
At the core, variable speed pool pumps work just like regular pumps (aside from the speed options). Here’s a quick summary of the process:
When your pool pump is turned on, it pulls water from the main drains and skimmer. The incoming water passes through the pump strainer basket, the first line of defense against unwanted contaminants in your pool water. From there, the water is pumped to your filter system, then your pool heater, and finally, back into your pool. Then, the process restarts.
Variable speed pool pumps can control how fast this process happens because of their adjustable speed. Technically speaking, the “adjustable speed” is really a means to control the amount of electricity the pump uses. So whether you look at it as “adjustable power” or “adjustable speed”, it’s already easy to imagine the benefits that come with either.
As a matter of a fact, here are a few reasons why you should use a variable speed pump.
4 Great Reasons To Use A Variable Speed Pool Pump
–Controllable speed
It’s safe to say that the “variable speed” aspect of variable speed pool pumps is no secret, but the significance of the feature can easily be overlooked — that is, without the right perspective.
Think of it this way:
Your pool pump is similar to the engine of your car. Just how an engine powers your car to move, your pump keeps your pool water flowing through the circulation highway. Now imagine a scenario where every time you get in your car you can only drive at max speed, regardless of where you’re going, weather conditions, or how much gas you have. Sounds like a nightmare right? Horrifically expensive fuel costs, excessive strain on the engine (and car), and the constant risk of a collision.
Now let’s consider a variable speed pool pump. It can operate at different speeds in case you don’t really need maximum pool water flow. This is important because the harder a pool pump is pumping water, the faster it breaks down, the heavier of a strain it takes on your filter system and the more power it uses — which leads to our next few points.
-Preserves filter system

Having adjustable pump speed allows pool owners to give their filter system a break when heavy contaminant/debris control isn’t needed. Because the faster water moves through your pool system, the faster your filtering media (cartridge, sand, DE) gets worn down. And often times, you really don’t need your filter system working at maximum capacity, especially if you have good pool maintenance habits and clean the system regularly.
But ultimately, the more your preserve your filter system, the less you spend on repairs and filter media replacement.
On the topic of filter systems, check out these helpful posts:
[Sand pool filter replacement and cleaning]
[Cartridge pool filter replacement and cleaning]
[DE pool filter replacement and cleaning]
-Energy efficiency
Remember how we mentioned the whole gas usage idea with the car versus pool pumps concept earlier? In the case of your pool system, think of electricity as gas.
Controllable speed means controllable energy use. So if you’re someone who only swims a few times a month, it makes plenty of sense to run the pool pump on the lowest setting. But at the same time, with a variable speed pool pump, pool owners have the ability to adjust to different circumstances — from surprise pool parties to seasonal pollen “storms”.
But let’s talk numbers for a minute because you’re probably wondering how much you can save with a variable speed pool pump.
According to Energy Star, variable speed pool pumps are 33-66% more energy efficient than traditional pool pumps. Additionally, the ability to reduce the speed of a pool pump by half causes it to use up to 88% less electricity.
That within itself screams savings, but if you’re thinking dollar amounts, here are the specifics:
(The numbers below are based on a national average, and vary slightly according to climate and state energy cost)
Variable Speed Pool Pump
- Annual Energy Use: 317kWh – 948kWh
- Operating Costs (Monthly): $41 – $123
Single Speed Pool Pump (Traditional)
- Annual Energy Use: 2723 kWh – 4714 kWh
- Operating Cost (Monthly): $354 – $613
If you own a regular pool pump, then you already know that it can be crazy loud at times — especially since it’s always on full power. And usually, the size of your pool pump is directly correlated to the amount of noise it produces. But with variable speed pool pumps, you can slow down the flow, and in turn, dampen the noise greatly. Noise reduction is especially helpful if you live in the room with the window right next to the pool equipment
A few states are sometimes forced to place restrictions on water usage due to droughts/weather conditions. If you’re a pool owner who lives in one of these states, then you may run into some problems when you’re simultaneously using your pool and trying to conserve water. Specifically speaking, imagine trying to save water with a giant pool pump that can only run full blast. Always.
Unless you plan to sacrifice having a clean pool by hardly ever filtering your water/running your pump, then saving water is nearly impossible. That is, without the ability to control pump speed. In this scenario, with a variable speed pump, you can easily adjust your water usage by slowing down the speed of the pump. A convenience that makes adapting to any unexpected water conservation mandates easy and stress-free.
Closing Thoughts
Using a variable speed pool pump is a fast track to energy efficiency, lower operating costs, and filter system conservation, among plenty other benefits. So it’s easy to why using one is such a great idea. But a variable speed pool pump is just part of being a “green” pool owner. Good pool maintenance habits and energy efficient pool heaters go a long way, and you can learn about both in our Pool Owner Guide.
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