Cleaning your pool is simple enough, right?
You skim the surface, scrub the walls, vacuum the floor, and balance the chemicals. Then you’re done.
But what if you want to clean your concrete pool deck?
Odds are, if you’d had your pool for a while, the deck has seen better days. By this point, if you haven’t cleaned it yet, then you’ve probably noticed some buildup, a few stains, and color changing.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could restore your pool deck to that crisp and clean color it was when you first had it installed?
Well, you can. All you have to do is follow the steps in this post.
Of course, why stop there?
You probably want to clean around your pool while you’re at it. Luckily, you’ll find plenty of tips for doing that in this post. So let’s get started!
Related: 21 Pool Care Hacks That Make Pool Maintenance Easy
How to clean a concrete pool deck

You can clean your pool deck in as little as an hour. With the right approach and tools, you’ll be able to get the day one look in no time.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Hard bristle brush or broom
- Bucket
- Soap
- Bleach
- Garden hose
- Leafblower
Pre-requisite: sweep the deck and pick up the leaves
Before you start cleaning the deck, grab a leaf blower or broom and gather up all the leaves. Sweep up any twigs or branches left behind.
Once you’ve removed all the physical debris, you’re ready to start cleaning.
1.) Mix up a DIY deck cleaning solution
Once you have all of your materials, it’s time to make your cleaning solution. Fortunately, you don’t need much to make it.
Combine 8 parts water, with 1 part bleach and 1 part soap. Mix it up well, then begin splashing onto the deck.
2.) Start scrubbing
With you cleaning solution spread across the surface of your deck, start scrubbing vigorously up and down the width of the deck. To maximize your effectiveness, focus on one section at a time, that way you don’t have to go back and scrub it again later.
If you notice the cleaning solution taking a long time to wash away stains, gradually add more water and soap until it’s strong enough.
3.) Rinse it down
Once you’ve done your first round of scrubbing, grab the hose and rinse off the deck until it’s clear of any solution. Once the deck starts to dry up, check for any stubborn stains that haven’t come out yet.
Try using some solutions and scrubbing them. If that doesn’t work, move on to the next step.
4.) Use a TSP for spot treatment
Although a trisodium phosphate solution is a little too harsh to use as a deck cleaner, it’s safe for spot treatment.
You can buy a TSP solution or make your own with household products like these.
Spray the TSP solution on the stain, and scrub vigorously. Then rinse it off and repeat as needed.
5.) Finish off with a power washing
If you have a power washer, now is the time to use it. With all the surface debris loosened up and rinsed away, the power washer will add the finishing touches that make your deck look as clean as the day you got it.
6.) Apply a deck sealant to make future cleaning easy
Once the deck dries, it’s time to apply a deck sealant. A deck sealant not only protects your deck by creating a protective layer, but it also helps it stay cleaner much longer.
My concrete pool deck is cracked! How do I fix it?

If you noticed a few cracks in your deck, don’t panic, this is normal. Over time, concrete pool decks will crack for a number of reasons, from seasonal changes and sun exposure to shifting in the ground underneath.
Most cracks are harmless, and at worse, just make your pool deck look less appealing. However, larger cracks can create a hazard for getting shoes or clothing caught in. And worse, they can provide an entry point for water to seep into the dirt around your pool frame. When that happens, the pool frame can shift and even crack, which is not something you want to deal with.
Luckily, patching up your concrete pool deck is a pretty straightforward process.
Here’s what you need:
- Garden hose
- Bucket
- Sponge
- Liquid bonder
- Dry deck repair powder
- Trowel (for smoothing out the patch)
Here’s the process:
- Rinse off the deck with the hose.
(Take extra time to clear out any dirt from the cracks) - Wait for the deck to dry completely
- Remove any loose pieces of concrete in or around the crack
(You should be left with only solid surfaces) - Mix the liquid bonder and repair powder together in a bucket
- Slowly pour the mixture into the crack
- Keep rubbing and applying mixture over the crack until it’s level
- Use the trowel to finish and smooth the patch
- Wipe away excess mixture with the sponge
- Repeat process for each crack
- For larger cracks: Use more mixture
Cleaning pool deck pavers
If you have pool deck pavers, you have a few options for cleaning them:
- Use the deck clean steps listed above
- Power wash the stones
- Use a muriatic solution to remove surface stains, then scrub
How to clean a wooden pool deck
If you have a wooden pool deck, the process is generally the same as for cleaning a concrete deck. That said, it’s best to limit how much bleach you use in your cleaning solution as it can affect the wood’s color.
Instead, rely on a vigorous scrub with soap and power washing.
Cleaning pool ladders, rails, and steps

For metal ladders, rails:
- Scrub with a hard bristle brush using a soap-water solution
- Use lime juice and baking soda to scrub away rust stains and watermarks
For plastic ladders, rails:
- USe a soap water solution
- Mix and use a baking soda paste for a more abrasive scrub
Related: 11 Household Products For Cleaning a Pool
Cleaning the pool slide
Assuming your pool slide is made out of PVC or fiberglass, a regular scrubbing with soap-water will do the trick.
But if you run into stubborn stains, scrub with a light TSP solution (Simply Green), or combination baking soda and lime mixture.
You can also use a chlorinated abrasive cleaner like Ajax or Comet, but if you do, avoid letting any chemical runoff get into your water.
How to clean a pool diving board
Follow the same tips for cleaning a pool slide.
Cleaning the pool skimmer
Since nearly every pool skimmer is made out of plastic, you can use the same approach you used to clean the slide and diving board.
But if you see any pink residue or mold, use an abrasive chlorinated cleaner like Ajax or Comet to remove it. Scrub vigorously.
Cleaning your filter tank
Everyone cleans their pool filter at least a few times a year. Whether you’re backwashing the sand or replacing the cartridges, a clean filter is a major key to having a crystal clear swimming pool.
Funny thing is, many pool owners don’t think to clean the very device that does all the cleaning. The filter tank itself.
To clean your filter tank:
- Open it up
- Drain it
- Remove the filter media
- Spray a soap water solution and scrub
- Apply an abrasive chlorinated cleaner, and scrub
- Rinse and repeat
How to clean the pool cover
Whether you’re cleaning a solar cover or a winter safety cover, the process is simple.
Find an open area with a smooth surface (grass or tar driveway) and spread out the cover. Starting with one side, begin scrubbing the cover with soap and water in small sections.
As you finish cleaning one section, fold it over and move on to the next.
Once you’ve cleaned one side, rinse it off, flip it over, and repeat the process.
When you’re finished, carefully drape the cover over a fence or railing (be mindful of sharp edges) and let it dry. Once dry, fold the cover and store it in a cool, dry area.
Related: 7 Ways To Extend Your Pool Season By Up To 6 Months
Patio furniture cleaning 101
Since most patio furniture is either wooden, plastic, or metal, most of the above cleaning methods will work perfectly.
But if you’re looking for a universal approach, start with a light soap water solution and brush.
Scrub the frame of the furniture, using a light TSP solution or lime juice mixture for spot treatment on tough stains.
Remove any cushions on the furniture and set them aside. To clean them, handwash using a light detergent, water, and soft brush.
When you’re done with cleaning, place the cushions in a sunny spot to air dry.
A better, cleaner pool
If you went through all of the tips in this post, then your backyard pool should be looking as good as it did on day one. And if you want to keep it looking that good, and limit your future workload, come back and go through these steps at twice a year. Once at the beginning of the pool season, and once again when you’re close your pool.
That said, congratulations on a job well done. It’s time to invite some friends over and show off your swimming pool’s makeover.
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