Trying to learn how to clean a DE Filter? Keep reading, this post is for you
Why clean your DE Filter?
If you’re a pool owner, then you’re already familiar with the purpose of your filter system. It’s the strongest defender against all the unwanted leaves, bugs, twigs, and various debris that find their way into your pool water — trapping a full range of contaminants, and preventing them from reentering your pool. So naturally, it goes without saying that your filter will reach a containment limit. And if you have a DE filter, performing a cleaning every few months or so ensure optimal performance.
But not everyone knows how to clean a DE Filter, or how a DE Filter even works. Filter systems can be complicated, but with the right approach, you can easily eliminate the guesswork.
And that’s what this post is all about — getting you more familiar with DE Filters. From how they work and what they’re built from, to cleaning them and replacing cartridges.
Let’s start with the basics.
Have a different kind of filter?
[Here’s how to replace pool filter cartridges]
[Here’s how to replace pool filter sand]
What is a DE Filter?
DE or Diatomaceous Earth is a special powder created from fossilized diatoms. Diatoms represent a major algae group (don’t worry, they’re just fossils).
Now you’re probably wondering what role the powder has in the DE Filter. Well, a DE Filter is made up of a series of fabric grids, usually around 8. At a glance, a DE Filter works similarly to a Cartridge Filter, but the DE powder is what makes the biggest difference. Each grid is coated with a thick layer of DE powder. The powder enhances the capture rate of the already effective fabric grids, increasing their filter range down to 3 microns. A size so small that it’s essentially invisible to the human eye.
Each grid is coated with a thick layer of DE powder. The powder enhances the capture rate of the already effective fabric grids, increasing their filtering range down to 3 microns. A size so small that it’s essentially invisible to the human eye.
That being said, it’s no wonder why DE Filters hold a reputation in the pool industry for producing the cleanest water.
[Learn more about Cartridge, Sand, and DE pool filters]
When should I clean my DE Filter?
Right off the bat, cleaning your filter every other month is your safest option — assuming your pool gets moderate use.
But there are a few specific tell-tale signs to look out for that’ll let you know it’s cleaning time.
- Whenever your pressure gauge is more than 8 psi above your normal level
- When you notice more debris floating around in your pool despite running the filter
- Once a month with heavy pool use (don’t worry, it’s easy with a pool care schedule)
How To Clean a DE Filter
Now that you understand what a DE Filter is, how it works, and when to clean it, it’s time to get down to business.
There are two types of cleaning you’ll have to do throughout your filter’s life.
Quick cleaning: A filter backwash and powder replacement
Full Cleaning: A thorough inspection and cleaning of each individual filter grid, as well as quick cleaning steps
How to backwash a DE Filter and replace DE powder
Think of backwashing a DE filter like using mouthwash in the morning (quick cleaning). It freshens your breath and cleans up plaque, which is great, but it’s just not the same as a good ole brushing (full cleaning). Regardless, there’s no denying that it helps a bunch, and it still leaves your pearly whites much cleaner than they were before.
But enough analogies, you get the point. Let’s get to it!
Here’s how to backwash your DE Filter and replace DE Powder:
- Turn off your pool pump
- Then, locate your filter valve and turn it to the “Backwash” position
- Turn on your pool pump
- Let the filter backwash for about 4 minutes, or until the water comes out clear
- Then, turn off your pool pump again
- Set your filter valve back to “Rinse”
- Next, turn your pool pump back on for about 15 seconds
- Repeat steps 1-7 at least 2 more times for a thorough backwash
- Set filter valve to “Filter”
- Then, add DE Powder
How much DE Powder do I add after backwashing?
The general rule of thumb is to add 1 pound of DE powder for every 10 square feet of filter area your filter provides. In other words, it’s totally dependent on the size of your filter.
Here’s a quick list of the most common sizes and respective DE powder required for each (courtesy of INYOpools):
- 24 Sq. Ft. = 2.4 Lbs.
- 36 Sq. Ft. = 3.6 Lbs.
- 48 Sq. Ft. = 4.8 Lbs.
- 60 Sq. Ft. = 6 Lbs.
- 72 Sq. Ft. = 7.2 Lbs.
Oh, and all you need to do is gradually pour the powder into your pool skimmer basket. From there, it’s carried over to the DE Filter and fused into the fabric grids.
How to give your DE Filter a Full Cleaning
A quick cleaning will do a great job of keeping your filter in good shape, but over time grime buildup will accumulate that a normal backwash just can’t tackle. Worry not, you’ll only have to do a full cleaning once a year, and it’s well worth the time.
This is when you give your filter some real TLC, inspecting each grid for any damage while deeply cleaning the fabric. Here’s how to clean a DE Filter from
- Shut off your pool pump’s power from the breaker
- Open up the pressure release valve at the top of the filter to release any pressure trapped in the filter (Keep it open)
- Remove the drain plug at the bottom of the filter to let out any trapped water
- Remove the top of the filter housing by loosening the belt in the middle
- Look for the tightening bolt on the belt, and turn it to loosen the belt
Image via Before removing them from the filter housing, give the filter grids a quick wash
with the hose- Remove the grid assembly and lay it down somewhere soft, like a bed of a grass
- Carefully inspect each grid for any tears or damage to the fabric
Image via Loosen the bolt on the bottom of the plastic frame holding in each grid to remove it.
Image via Image via Once removed, carefully rinse out the grid from front to back
- Replace damaged grids with new grids and place them back into the plastic frames
- Tighten the bolt at the bottom of each plastic frame to secure the grids in place
- If you see any grime or buildup on the assembly, gently scrub it off with a toothbrush and a bit of dishwashing soap
- After, reattach the assembly and give the grids one more rinse with the hose
DE Filter Full Cleaning: Part 2
- Place the assembly back into the filter housing
- Reattach the drain plug at the bottom of the filter
- Next, replace the top of the filter housing
- Slide the belt back on and turn the tightening bolt for a snug, leak-proof fit
- With your pressure release valve still open, set the filter valve to “Backwash”
- Follow the same steps for backwashing outlined in the “Quick Cleaning” section
+Backwash in increments of 30-60 seconds as opposed to 3+ minutes - Next, set the valve to “Filter”
- Add the required amount of DE Powder
- Then, pat yourself on the back, because you just cleaned your DE Filter
Closing thoughts
With the right know how every pool owner can clean a DE filter like a pro. But there’s no denying that it still takes time, effort, and a bit of patience. Plus, finding the time to get the job done is tough — between work, family, and your social life, pool maintenance responsibilities easily get pushed to the background.
But that’s where a swimming pool service is your best solution. With years of experience, pool professionals get the job done efficiently and effectively. Taking one more item off of your pool care schedule, and allowing you to spend more time in the pool, stress-free and at ease — just how you deserve.
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