Make The Perfect Pool Care Schedule | Download FREE Template

About Pool Care Schedules/Pool Maintenance Schedules

It’s not the most enjoyable part about owning a pool. But it’s definitely the most important.

The very phrase “pool maintenance” may sound like a collection of undesirable chores. But in reality, this maintenance is comprised of a few simple tasks for keeping a clean pool.  Tasks that can easily be divided up across the month. Easily done in a couple minutes in most cases. As long as you make a good schedule and stick to it.

And that’s what this  post is all about. We’re here to guide you through creating the perfect pool care schedule for you.

But if you rather just download our Pool Care Schedule now and worry about creating your own later, go ahead and scroll to the bottom of this post.

Now before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk a bit more about why good pool maintenance is in your very best interest.

Reasons Why Good Pool Maintenance Is Worth It


-Easier to maintain chemical levels than correct them

Although you may be able to balance your chemicals by testing your water and adjusting at the end of each month, there’s something you may not notice. Handling pool chemical maintenance this way causes you to use way more chemicals. More than you would normally use on a weekly basis. Which is why it makes more sense to maintain your chemical levels, rather than correct them in bulk. And testing your water regularly helps prevent heavy chemical fluctuations. Making it easier to maintain ideal levels.

-Chemicals affect each other

Pool chemistry isn’t rocket science, but it isn’t entirely simple either.  There are a few chemicals in play within swimming pool water. And many of them are directly affected by the other.

You can learn more about the ins and outs of pool chemistry in our Pool Owner Guide.

-Greatly reduces risk of pool chemical damage

When chemicals levels get too imbalanced, it can mean trouble for your pool. From corroded pool hardware, to worn down walls and lining. And although you may not think it could happen within a month, a few extra swims and rainy days can make all the difference. So reduce the risk, and don’t give your chemical levels the opportunity to get out of balance.

-Saves money

Remember how we said you use fewer chemicals with a pool care schedule? Well, that translates directly into savings. Spending less on chemicals.  And if the incentive of a cleaner pool and healthier water wasn’t enough, saving money should be.


How to Make A Pool Maintenance Schedule



Consider your situation

When making a pool care schedule/pool maintenance schedule, there are a few factors to consider:

-Pool use

How often do you use your pool? 

How many people typically use it at a time?

Knowing this helps you determine exactly how much maintenance is needed. For instance, it wouldn’t be efficient to map out a full and thorough schedule if you only swim once a week. But on the other hand, if your backyard is home to regular swim sessions and pool parties, then a heavier schedule makes sense.


Are you handling pool maintenance alone, or with the help of family members and friends? 

Is the schedule you’re creating right for the number of people helping?

Start with a schedule you KNOW you can maintain. Then scale up or down once you establish the consistency.


Knowing how much time you can realistically dedicate is crucial to the success of your schedule. Because if you’re a busy person/family with little free time, then it wouldn’t make much sense to go overboard. Consider how much time you have per week. Then use that as a guideline to plan out each week, and ultimately the month.


But you’re probably still wondering how to create the actual pool care schedule. What to include, how often, and so on.

Well, this next section is for you.


Create a pool care schedule

Grab a blank calendar sheet, and fill it out according to the pool maintenance list below. You should have at least one free day per week, which you can use for a safety check or pool heater checkup (or maybe some swimming pool games). Don’t hesitate to double up on tasks like skimming and vacuuming. We recommend it.

Pool maintenance list

  • Brush/Skim
    • Brush and skim your pool  2 times per week. And be sure to get to all the hard to reach spots, like behind the ladder, the corners, and stairs
  • Vacuum
    • After a good brush and skimming, follow up with a thorough vacuum to get the remaining debris on the pool floor. Vacuum at least once a week, but twice is even better 😉
  • Chemical Treatment and Testing
    • With regular pool use, you should test and balance your water at least twice per week. This will prevent any major chemical level drops or spikes from taking place. More on pool chemistry here
  • Pool Shock
    • Shock your pool once per week. But to keep your chemical levels in check consistently, be sure to shock your pool after heavy swims or pool parties.
  • Pool Pump
    • Your pool pump may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think “pool maintenance”. But it may be the most important part of this all. Because it’s your pool pump that keeps your water circulating. Which allows water to regularly filter and chemicals to evenly distributed.
    • Run your pool pump at least 8 hours a day (preferably at night)
      [Experiencing pool pump problems? Learn how to troubleshoot your pool pump]
  • Pool Heater
    • Your pool heater is your first line of defense against those surprise cold fronts throughout the year. And who wants to stop swimming over a little breeze? Your pool heater processes the same water  that’s moved through your pool system by the pool pump. And more importantly, it keeps your water warm and comfortable throughout the year.  If it were to stop working or encounter problems, it can affect your pool system. Which is why an annual maintenance and safety check is the way to go.
    • We recommend a light checkup at least once per month:
      • Check that vents are clear and unclogged
      • Check for leaks
      • Check for any error codes[Have a pool heat pump? Here’s more on pool heat pump troubleshooting]
  • Safety check
    • Check the condition of all your pool equipment at least once per month.
      • -Ladders
      • -Return jets
      • -PVC and Light fixtures
      • -Pool wall

Pool Maintenance Schedule Chart


  • 2 times per week
  • Don’t miss behind
    the ladder, corners,
    and stairs


  • Once per week
  • Vacuum after brushing
    and skimming the pool

Chemical Treatment/Testing

  • 2 times per week
  • Check out our
    Pool Owner Guide
    for more on pool

Pool Shock

  • Once per week
  • Shock your pool
    after heavy swims
    or pool parties

Pool Pump

  • Inspect 2 times per month
  • Run pump at least 8
    hours per days (Troubleshoot Your
    Pool Pump)

Pool Heater

  • Inspect once per month
  • Check for clear vents, leaks,
    and error codes (Troubleshoot
    Your Pool Heater)


Break it up

For some, a monthly pool schedule may feel a little overwhelming. Not that it isn’t doable. But breaking it up into smaller chunks may make it easier to handle. Much like using a to-do list for daily tasks.

So don’t be afraid to simply post and rotate a weekly schedule instead. As long as you have a good routine going, how you display/approach it is your decision entirely.

Next Steps

You have your schedule. A plan of attack. But now what?

Just a few more quick things:

Post the schedule where you can see it

This is CRUCIAL. Even the best pool care schedule can be quickly overlooked or forgotten without the right exposure. And by that, we mean putting on the stack of papers on your desk. Only to find it weeks later, buried under your electric bill and weekly grocery list.

So post your pool maintenance schedule/pool care schedule where you’ll see it.

Here are some good spots:

  • Sliding door to backyard
  • Refrigerator door
  • A sign (poolside)

Make a small list to keep track of chemicals

While you’re at it, go ahead and stick a notepad next to your pool schedule. That way you can keep track of any chemicals you’re running low on. And it’ll be right there for you to see every time you check your pool care schedule.

Stick to the schedule = Profit

Follow your schedule and you’ll immediately start saving money while enjoying much healthier swims. And in the long run, you’re extending the life of your pool system and saving loads of time. So what’s not to love?


Download your FREE Pool Care Schedule| Pool Maintenance Schedule Template

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