Swimming can be as competitive as a game of Water Polo, or as relaxing as a casual dip in the backyard pool on a hot summer day. And if you swim competitively, it’s your main source for physical activity. But no matter your preference, there are plenty of good reasons why swimming should be a regular part of your life — regardless of your age.
In this post, we discuss the physical, mental, and long-term benefits of swimming. Here are 5 Reasons Why Swimming Is Good For Your Health:
5 Reasons Why Swimming Is Good For Your Health
Swimming is one of the best ways to get a low-impact workout. Unlike running and most sports, swimming puts less strain on your bones while working important muscle groups. This is why swimming is ideal for nearly anyone, especially as an alternative for those with arthritis.
Builds Endurance, Muscle Strength, and Flexibilty
How is swimming healthy?
Why is swimming a good sport?
One unique advantage swimming offers is the stimulation of multiple muscle groups at the same time. For instance, doing the breast stroke continuously involves muscles from the legs, arms, chest, and back into each stroke. And since certain strokes focus on specific muscle groups, swimmers can easily get a full body workout in one session. Over time, with a steady swim routine, you’ll notice significant increases in muscle strength and flexibility.
Improves Coordination, Balance and Posture
What does swimming do for the body?
As you swim and work on your strokes you simultaneously improve your coordination, balance, and posture – think about it. Certain strokes call for the use of a precise form in order to be effective – so as you work on your form, your body becomes conditioned to perform the movements more and more effectively. Over time, these positive side effects become increasingly apparent in your everyday life.
Improves Lung Function and Cardiovascular Health
Unlike other sports and forms of exercise, swimming does not allow for free breathing. When you swim, you have to time your breaths in coordination with your strokes. As one can imagine, this puts the lungs and heart to work in a way that they are normally not used to, but that’s not a bad thing. Because in reality, your heart and lungs are just more complex muscles. Hence why incorporating some variety into the way you “work” your cardiovascular system increases its ability to optimally perform. And let’s not forget that cardiovascular exercise is great for toning your muscles and losing weight.
Stress Relief
From the cooling sensation of the water to the feeling of near weightlessness, swimming naturally instills a sense of peace and relaxation. As an aerobic exercise, swimming helps to stimulate the growth of nerve cells in the brain and correlates with the production of ANP, a stress-reducing hormone. For those with joint or muscle injuries, a gentle and relaxing swim session in a heated pool is nothing short of therapeutic — heat is one of the most effective ways to treat chronic muscle pain. Plus, when we swim, we improve our body’s ability to distribute oxygen, which our muscles thrive on.
How has swimming improved your life? Tell us in the comments below.
SOURCES: BetterHealth | CNN | HowStuffWorks | PsychCentral